
Eigentlich hätte es ein ganz gewöhnlicher Tag werden sollen im Freien Institut fuer Außerkraminische Lebensformen (FIAKL), doch der Fund eines verunglückten unbekannten Raumschiffes ändert alles für Lomivor El-Jay und sein wissenschaftliches Team. Während das Sprachteam mit Hochdruck daran arbeitet herauszufinden wie man mit den überlebenden Außerkraminern kommunizieren könnte, macht der Chefmechaniker Kay-Jay einige unangenehme Entdeckungen am fremden Raumschiff. Als der stellvertretende Beauftragte für Außerkraminische Angelegenheiten Rodiner Dee-Jay auftaucht, wird es wirklich kompliziert. Denn eigentlich hatte die Regierung des friedlichen Planetens Kramin gehofft die ganze Affäre schnellstmöglich unter den Teppich zu kehren. – Paperback, 62 pages, German, April 2018, $11.95 –  Buy here

Thomas created the strip POLE in 2005. In the same year the New York Press published it for the first time. Since then, the penguins appeared in newspapers, magazines, books, and the internet in the USA and in Europe. “However, to categorize POLE as a realistic comic strip will do it as little justice as will taking it as a funny one. It’s taken from the penguins’ daily lives – at the end looking at you in your bathroom mirror each morning you’ll ask yourself: Am I more of a penguin than I ever suspected?!?” (From Holger Bommer’s Introduction) The strip won GO COMICS’ Fortune Cookie Challenge in 2013. “So Many Faces” is the third collection. – Paperback, 60 pages, April 2018, $19.95 – Buy here

All true. Okay, mostly. You know how it is when you start talking. I’ve could not have done it better. A huge and beautiful cartoon book. And I know cartooning better than most. Like health care and the tax code. Tremendous book. It really is. Believe me. And no collusion. A cartoon collection by Thomas Baehr. – Paperback, 48 pages, March 2018, $7.98 – Buy here



Thomas Baehr created the strip POLE in 2005. In the same year the New York Press published it for the first time. Since then, the penguins appeared in newspapers, magazines, books, and the internet in the USA and in Europe. “Combining existential dread with cute gags, Thomas Baehr’s beautifully drawn penguins are somehow both pessimistic about our ability to stave off climate change and cheekily endearing. It may be dark, but these penguins are whistling.” (From Ruben Bolling’s Introduction) The strip won GO COMICS’ Fortune Cookie Challenge in 2013. “Is It Climate Change Yet?” is the second collection. – Paperback, Full Color Version, 60 pages, March 2015, $19.95 – Buy here

What will happen in the Antarctic if there is a worldwide nuclear war? “The End is Here” was first serialized at ACT-I-VATE in 2008/2009 and later published as a tradeback in 2009. It is based on the comic strip POLE. – Paperback, 120 pages, May 2012, $12.95 – Buy here 

“Brilliant storytelling and staging.” – Dean Haspiel “The Alcoholic” // “VERY fun read! Wonderfully bizarre tale. VERY VERY well done.” – Chip Skelton “Broken” // “Great work! Bleak, powerful, unforgettable.” – Joe Infurnari // “The depiction of the blizzard at the very beginning is one of my favorite sequences ever in a graphic novel. It also succinctly expresses Thomas’s message: We close our eyes to the oncoming storm at our own risk. When we open them, we may just find a warhead amongst us.” (From Avi Kotzer’s Afterword)

“This is Thomas’s great achievement: he doesn’t turn his penguins into people; he turns us into penguins. Thomas lets his handsome, tuxedoed, adult birds, and fuzzy, adorable juveniles, speak to us, sometimes with humor, sometimes with sadness, about the seriousness of global warming. Because if we don’t see it yet, they do. And they know what to say about it, if only we will swim with them a little way, and try to understand. So flop onto your belly, slide over the ice, and dive into this collection of strips from Thomas’s ongoing webcomic, “Pole-The Comic Strip with Penguins”. It will melt your heart.” (From Jennifer Hayden’s Introduction) Thomas created the strip POLE in 2005. In the same year the New York Press published it for the first time. Since then, the penguins have appeared in newspapers, magazines, books, and the internet in the USA and in Europe. “Make Guano – Not War” is the first collection. – Paperback, Full Color Version, 60 pages, May 2012, $19.95 – Buy here